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I reside inside each and every one of you


     Lord, what relationship or similarities have your communications with the current philosophy, which speaks of the paradigm of lost love and values as the basis of racial and religious tolerance?

      My communication is omniscient and omnipresent, adapted to different minds and cultures. The goal is awareness of the urgent change in human action, towards a world of love as a unifying basis for the different races and cultures, which will lead them to tolerance of differences and to a new state of consciousness in benefit of the Planet and its inhabitants: a new era of universal peace, of progress, but mostly of fraternity and respect. 


      Is it true that religion invented God, as Nietzsche says?

      Neither one nor the other. Neither religions invented God nor God invented religions. 


     Is it true that God, that lie (affirmation of Nietzsche), makes life a mere shadow? 

      Life, personally and individually can be light or shadow.  There are people for whom everything is in darkness, and there are others who have the grace to have light, the Divine light that enlightens and illuminates everything.


        Is it true that “the idea of God, understood as the foundation of the real world” is the great enemy of humanity?

      An idea, by itself, doesn’t have an existence and therefore cannot become something. The meaning of this idea is personal. Each person will color it according to his feelings about his origin:

-in a bleak manner, for those who consider they have come and are destined to nothing;

-in a constructive and hopeful manner, for those who recognize their Divine Origin and Destiny. 


         Is God the great enemy of mankind?

      The great enemy of mankind is mankind itself, in its bestial part, its part not conscious of its origin and purpose as a human being. The conscious human being knows why he or she’s alive, what his or her mission is, and what his or her destiny is. 


     Is it true that the free spirit is one which is able to lose respect, capable of assuming that God is dead?

      To begin with, the spirit is eternal and immutable. It is a paradox that the spirit denies its origin and affirms its mortality. 


     Can the humanities, science, rationality and technique be substitutes for God?

      They are tiny parts of Him. Remember, the Whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 


     Is it true that the death of God is an accomplished historical fact, the result of a long process of secularization?

      The process of secularization is the result of the loss of the concept of self of some human beings who don’t find their reason to exist, much less the reason of their origin and their why in life. Their justification is secularization. “I believe in nothing” is equivalent to not believe in myself, I am a being who by chance is temporarily in the world, with no purpose and no destination. 


     Is it true that the death of God is the condition for the birth of the superman?

      The superman cannot be born if he is not aware of his origin. It amounts to spontaneous generation, as if someone would say: I come from the blue and I am more than nothing. 


     Can we replace God?

      The irreplaceable cannot be replaced.

      How could man replace his conscience? Although my real intention would be to ask: How might you replace your own spirit? even though some are not aware of its existence. 


     ¿Is it true that he who has replaced God is no longer able to despise himself?

      Self-contempt comes from ignorance of one’s origin. When you don’t know who you are, you can’t appreciate what you are.

      A child will always seek knowledge of his or her roots, from whom s/he originated, which is the meaning of his/her identity. In the same way, a man not aware of his origin does not have a solid basis to examine himself. 


     Lord, with all due respect, don’t these questions bother you?

      I don’t have human attributes. You will never offend me. Offense arises from some flaw recognized in oneself. As I don’t have that identity, I cannot be offended or annoyed. 


     What do you think of philosophers such as Nietzsche?

      Sometimes philosophy is confused with some mental dysfunctions, attitudinal and existential. Everything eccentric is admired because it proceeds from the logical, the established, and above all, the expected.


     Karl Marx?

      There are different types of philosophies applied to different fields. Marx applied his to political context, in an attempt to unify social classes, which incidentally should not exist in a truly equitable and healthy community. 


     Is God synonymous with a compass for human values?

      Metaphorically so, because I show the right course, although in the strict sense of the word, a compass is framed in an object. 


     What is nihilism?

      It is the total loss of belief in something more than the material. In fact it is hopeless to believe that there is nothing beyond material existence. It is to live unconscious, busy with basic needs, to go in haste toward a place without a specific purpose where you will not do anything. 


     Lord, why are the philosophers so complicated and tedious? Do they really know what they’re talking about?

      I could say the same thing about you. Each one builds his own philosophy, according to his personality, his beliefs, his personal history, his culture, etc. Philosophers look askance at each other, each one believing that he possesses the truth. 


     If we put fancy words into a blender, would that let us invent a new philosophy (useless and senseless)?

   Yes, the same as putting junk into a mixer can produce you a car. 


     Boss, You do understand the philosophers like Nietzsche? I frankly don’t.

            How do you want me to understand him if he already killed me? That’s a joke. Yes, I understand him. I understand the great emptiness and hopelessness in which he lived. 


     Is it true that God is not able to act as a source of moral or theological code?

            Theological and moral codes are generated from the human mind. I created the Universal Laws to which all living and inanimate beings are subject. That is My action, without arbitrariness and no codes, no qualifiers.  


     If we remove the Divine Order can we maintain the value system?

     The Divine Order cannot be absent. It is present even if you are unaware of It. Values are taught from this Order and people can take them or not. Free will. 


    Are there absolute values?

    Yes. They are the Universal Laws created by Me, your God. 


     Is it true that an earthly God is able to recuperate the Divine preaching for man?

            This has to do with polytheism, to adjudicate different hierarchies of gods. They are personal beliefs according to your personal religious framework.

      In another context, it is to award the status of God to those who have certain distinctions as a human. Remember that the only God incarnate has been Jesus who is part of the Trinity. Other deities such as Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, are only that, beings considered illuminated. Illuminated doesn’t mean to be All; it is only to unite with the All, and it is to unite as if the person were a diamond and one of its facets equalized the power of God. That is approaching God.

      It is only a question of semantics. Evolved human beings are human beings who can help and guide others less evolved. This does not give them the status of Gods.

      The word God, which is a qualifier used by you, categorizes at the top the Creator of all manifested and unmanifested, as a unique being. 


     Is the super man capable of overcoming and cross-assessing the reactive and anti-life values which have characterized the history of western culture?

    This question is the same as the previous one, in other words. The super man is the equivalent of the aware being, the human aware of everything around him, when he comes to understand his origin and destiny. 

    The super man is aware of his surroundings, to which he gives all the respect due the Creation. 


     Is it true that man is characterized by his resentment against life?

    Which man? Because some will judge life so, and in counterpart, some will value it as a great opportunity to learn and evolve. 


     Does positivism explain everything existing in the Universe?

      No. It doesn’t have the resources to explain everything in existence. There is no philosophy, science or religion to date that can explain everything existing in the Universe. 


     It appears that positivism presumes it cannot explain the Divinity. Is that so?

            Of course, because it doesn’t have the instruments nor the measuring elements. It is a primitive philosophy. It’s like wanting to measure love. How could you measure it? And yet the majority of people know how to.


Are there two Gods, one in the heights and the God that participates in our daily life?

   No, it’s the same one. As the sea is the whole and a drop is identical to the sea, without being the sea. Divine Spark: that dwells in every human being. 


    What good is philosophy?

    It serves for those who generate it, who understand it, if it goes well. The really useful is an understanding of the human condition, the equality, understanding, companionship, compassion and above all unconditional love for others. That’s true philosophy. The rest is speculation about the human condition.

   When unconditional love towards all awakens, you eliminate the pain of your existence.